Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bass Guitar Headstock Paint Job

So I have this fairly nice Warwick Rockbass Streamer Standard 5-string Bass Guitar. (That's a mouthful. And I'm not sure that it's all in the correct order.) Got it at a scratch-and-dent sale from Willis Music. So far as I can tell, the only issue is that it's missing a tone knob cover, no big deal. I play it through a Hartke VX3500 Combo, and I use a Korg Toneworks AX3000B multi-effects processor to cover up my deficiencies. This is my first and only rig, and I couldn't be happier with it. I only needed to make one modification.......

RockBass.  Pfft.
The bass isn't top of the line, but it's not super-cheap either. This graphic on the head is just bush-league. So, I resolved to change it. Step one was to remove the strings, tuning knobs, and the truss-rod cover, as you can see.

Step two was to tape that sucker up. I just used normal blue painter's tape. Probably went a little overboard, but I wanted to get it right. For the tuning knob holes, I cut the fingers off of some light duty work gloves, rolled 'em up and stuffed 'em in the holes.

Here's the back of the beast:

Next came the painting. I used some Rust-oleum Specialty Black Lacquer spray-paint. It looked like it would be a pretty close match to the body of the guitar, and it was. I don't remember exactly how many coats I used, but it was upwards of six. Here it is post-paint:

Nice and Shiny! With the tape off and hardware back on:

 And finally the strings. (DR Black Beauties, for those of you keeping score at home.)

The finished product:

Newer picture:

Now it almost looks like a professional bass. It even sounds a helluvalot better. You know how your car always feels a little faster after you wash it? Same principle.

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