Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bass Guitar Headstock Paint Job

So I have this fairly nice Warwick Rockbass Streamer Standard 5-string Bass Guitar. (That's a mouthful. And I'm not sure that it's all in the correct order.) Got it at a scratch-and-dent sale from Willis Music. So far as I can tell, the only issue is that it's missing a tone knob cover, no big deal. I play it through a Hartke VX3500 Combo, and I use a Korg Toneworks AX3000B multi-effects processor to cover up my deficiencies. This is my first and only rig, and I couldn't be happier with it. I only needed to make one modification.......

RockBass.  Pfft.
The bass isn't top of the line, but it's not super-cheap either. This graphic on the head is just bush-league. So, I resolved to change it. Step one was to remove the strings, tuning knobs, and the truss-rod cover, as you can see.

Step two was to tape that sucker up. I just used normal blue painter's tape. Probably went a little overboard, but I wanted to get it right. For the tuning knob holes, I cut the fingers off of some light duty work gloves, rolled 'em up and stuffed 'em in the holes.

Here's the back of the beast:

Next came the painting. I used some Rust-oleum Specialty Black Lacquer spray-paint. It looked like it would be a pretty close match to the body of the guitar, and it was. I don't remember exactly how many coats I used, but it was upwards of six. Here it is post-paint:

Nice and Shiny! With the tape off and hardware back on:

 And finally the strings. (DR Black Beauties, for those of you keeping score at home.)

The finished product:

Newer picture:

Now it almost looks like a professional bass. It even sounds a helluvalot better. You know how your car always feels a little faster after you wash it? Same principle.

Welcome to this space.

Welcome to the premiere of This, that, and the other thing. This is my first foray into blogging, so prepare to be befuddled. Or bemused. Hopefully you'll just be mildly entertained. My intention for this blog is to opine a little, and to share some of the random crap I do to pass the time. If for some reason this helps you, well, good. If it makes you laugh, I promise it was an accident. And if it makes you feel enlightened, then turn your computer off and go for a walk. 

So it begins.